What documents can I use for the Proof of Address during the KYC process? - Poland

Here are the documents accepted in Poland for the proof of address: 

The document must contain your full name and home address and not be older than 3 months


  • Tax bill, valid for 1 year.
  • Mortgage statement.
  • Certificate of voter registration.
  • Correspondence with a government authority regarding the receipt of benefits such as a pension, unemployment benefits, housing benefits, etc.
  • Cable bill (but not from satellite TV companies).
  • Landline telephone bill.
  • Bank statement showing the date of issue and the name of the person.
  • Utility bill for gas, electricity, water, internet, etc. linked to the property.
  • A lease agreement that is current and has the signatures of the landlord and the tenant.
  • Credit card statement issued by a bank.
  • Letter from a recognized public authority or public servant 
  • Employer’s certificate for Proof of Address.
  • ID Card DOWOD OSOBISTY – back side required
  • Karta Polaka – back side required.
  • Military ID – front side.
  • Special ID – back side required.
  • Tymczasowe zawiadczenie tosamoci cudzoziemca - front side

Please note: We do not accept bank statements from Neobanks.

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