The Whistleblower channel is one of the key elements of Venga’s management system. Its overarching objective is to identify irregular operations, take action to address them and mitigate risks at all levels of the organization. This channel allows for attention to ethical behavior and transparency, which are core values at Venga.
The legal basis for collecting the report of violations and the handling of data in this regard is the regulatory framework established by the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (the “Whistleblowing Directive”), which mandates the protection of individuals reporting breaches of EU law.
You may not deliberately use this channel to cause harm to other employees or third parties.
The data contained in the Report and its content are protected from unauthorized access by third parties. Only the person to whom the Notification was addressed can see the Notification.
A person's review of a Notification will be conducted in a manner that prevents the whistleblower’s identity from being known if the whistleblower has disclosed it or if it is possible to determine.
Submit a Whistleblower request
Use the form below to submit a whistleblower request.
The reporter may present the Whistleblower report anonymously or choose to identify himself/herself. In any case, the company will treat the reporting confidentially and will identify the investigation by assigning a case number to the report.
Whistleblower form: HERE